воскресенье, 30 июля 2017 г.

sylius disable all E-mails sending/fix server error after checkout on prod

add in config_prod.yml:
swiftmailer:    disable_delivery: true

Behat no scenarios no steps fix

Remove from your *.feature file : (colon) symbols after Given/When/And.

суббота, 29 июля 2017 г.

Symfony how to debug DQL

use command doctrine:query:dql
For example, php bin/console doctrine:query:dql "SELECT a FROM AppBundle:Attachment a"

вторник, 11 июля 2017 г.

Symfony assets don't create files in web/bundles

After running asset:install, Asset tries to add needed files in web/bundles directory, and then fastyle deletes them. Same behavior appears with --symlink, --relative and other asset directory path.

Solution to me was to update Asset bundle with Composer.